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Organising Committee

The organisers of ICHLL15 are Alina Vilalva, Ana Salgado, Esperança Cardeira, and Rute Costa.

Alina Vilalva

Alina Vilalva is a professor of Linguistics at the Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa (FLUL) since 1984 and a researcher at the Centro de Linguística da Universidade de Lisboa (CLUL, Psycholinguistics Lab) since 2008. In 2020, she was also the founder of The Word Lab, a platform that helped her and her colleagues to keep working together, despite the Covid pandemic requirements of social distancing, She is also a member of the Mind-Brain College ( Universidade de Lisboa). Her research interests include theoretical linguistics (word structures, inflection, and word formation), word processing, the diachrony of the Portuguese lexicon and word stories. Her academic background includes a Bachelor's in Modern Languages and Literatures (1982), an M.A. (1986) in Linguistics, and a Ph.D. (1995) also in Linguistics, all from the Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal. AV has authored and edited several books and papers, namely The Landscape of Lexicography (co-edited by Geoffrey Williams). Full CV on ORCID.

Ana Salgado

Ana Salgado is the president of the Instituto de Lexicologia e Lexicografia da Língua of the Academia das Ciências de Lisboa (ACL), where she serves as the chief editor of the institution’s online dictionaries and one of the editors of Thesaurus de Ciências da Terra. Researcher at the Linguistics Center of Universidade NOVA de Lisboa and member of the LLT group (Lexicology, Lexicography and Terminology). She holds a PhD in Translation and Terminology from NOVA University Lisbon (2022) and graduated in Modern Languages and Literature – Portuguese Studies (scientific branch) from the Faculty of Letters of the University of Porto (2001). 
Her lexicographic career began at the renowned Portuguese publishing house Porto Editora, where she contributed to numerous significant lexicographic projects. Ana has also been nominated as one of the COST National Coordinators for CA22126 – European Network On Lexical Innovation (ENEOLI) and serves as the co-leader of WG1 (Multilingual Glossary of Neology). Additionally, she is the project leader for the revision of ISO 1951:2007 and a member of the DARIAH Lexical Resources working group. Member of CT 221 – Terminologia, Língua e Linguagens and CT 025 – Quantities and Units at the Instituto Português da Qualidade. She has been a correspondent member of the ACL since 2015, being elected as a full member in 2022. Her primary research interests include lexicography, terminology, data modelling, TEI, standards, and text editing.

Esperança Cardeira

Esperança Cardeira is a professor of Linguistics at the Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa (FLUL) since 1988 and a researcher and board member at the Centro de Linguística da Universidade de Lisboa. She is specialised in historical linguistics, etymology, linguistic contacts and philology; her main research interests also include textual criticism, lexicography and digital humanities. She holds a Bachelor's in Modern Languages and Literatures, an M.A. in Portuguese Linguistics, and a PhD in Historical Linguistics from Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal. EC has authored, co-authored and edited several books and papers, namely Entre o Português Antigo e o Português Clássico (2005), O Essencial sobre a história do Português (2006), Norma e Variação (2007) Colour and Colour Naming: Crosslinguistic Approaches (2016), Gramática histórica do Português Europeu (2021).

Rute Costa

Rute Costa has a PhD in Linguistics (Lexicology, Lexicography and Terminology) and is a professor at NOVA FCSH. She is the Head of the Linguistics Centre of the Universidade NOVA de Lisboa and the coordinator of the Lexicology, Lexicography and Terminology Group - LLT. She has been a member of ISO TC 37 “Language and Terminology" since 2000. In April 2021, she created the Portuguese mirror committee and is the chairwoman of the IPQ/TC 221 “Terminologia, Língua e Linguagens”. She was the Training School Manager - COST Action IS1305: European Network of e Lexicography - ENeL - (2013 - 2017). She is currently affiliated with the European Lexicographic Infrastructure - ELEXIS - and the COST Action CA 18209: NexusLinguarum - European network for Web-centered linguistic data science (2019 – 2023). In the Strategic partnership between Lancaster University and Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, she is the representative of NOVA for Digital Transformation. Between 2000 and 2006, she was the President of the European Association for Terminology (EAFT). In 2011, she was honoured with the title of “Chevalier de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres” by the Ministry of Culture and Communication of the French Republic.

Support team

Leonor Martins

Research fellow at Academia das Ciências de Lisboa, master's student in Linguistics at Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto (FLUP)

Leonor Reis

Research fellow at Academia das Ciências de Lisboa, master's student in Language Sciences at Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas (NOVA FCSH)

Matilde Canelas

Master's student in Language Sciences at Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas (NOVA FCSH)